Legal notice

Editorial information and service providers


The Association Cyclow-tech Tour – RNA W372019175
64 avenue Jean Portalis - 37200 Tours - France


Mail : – Phone : (+33) (0)6 52 38 69 46


This website is a collaborative production – Project team: The Cyclow-tech team, Valentin Le Lièvre (web developer), Samuel Angora (translation)

Protection and personal data processing

In accordance with the article 5 of law n° of June 21 2004 for trust in numerical economy, the identity of, the identity of the different contributors of the website is shown to the users regarding its production and monitoring:

Copyright :

Photos and illustration credits

Every picture of the website is the property of the association Cyclow-tech Tour or their respective owners and is used with their consent. For the pictures use on the front page and every other page (unless otherwise indicated): © Cyclow-tech

Requesting for the use and reproduction of the logo

If you need to use the association’s logo for every internal and external format (brochures, publications, websites, etc.) as part of an official communication, please send your request to the following address:

Links to the website

The website allows for hyperlinks pointing to its pages (…), without prior authorization, under the following conditions :

The websites who choose to direct to are held legally responsible, would they harm the association’s image.

SSL Protocol :

The website use the SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer), a security protocol that keep your communications private. This protocol offers applications for clients / servers enabling communication without being spied on, and without any modification of your messages. All your personal data (name, address, mail…) is encrypted during your transition between the navigator and our servers, so that your information cannot be seen when surfing on the Internet. When you are on a secured page, the padlock icon appears in the address bar.

If we use SSL coding to protect sensitive information on the Internet, we also do everything we can to protect this data once stored. All of our hard drives are encrypted ahead of the operating system. If, by chance, one machine is stolen, the data stored in the hard drives would stay beyond reach.

Liability for links to other websites

The website offers many links to other French or foreign websites from associations, professional organizations or companies. These pages are not part of the website they don’t engage the liability of the website’s editorial team, which cannot be held responsible for the content to which these links direct to. Their only utility is to offer the user an easier accessibility to other documentary resources on the referred subject.

The average web page tested produces approximately 14 time less CO2 per page view. For a website with 10,000 monthly page views, that's 1.3 kg CO2 per year.

All rights reserved © 2022 | Legal advices
Website created by Valentin Le Lièvre